How Good is Your Candidate Experience?
How Good is Your Candidate Experience?
It is well known that employers lose too many potentially great employees due to poor candidate experience through the application and selection process. How many employers do you think are actually bothering to proactively measure and manage candidate experience? And how many employers do you think have put themselves in the position of a candidate and tried to apply for one of their own vacancies? (Less than 31% according to a Career Builder Study in 2019 btw) So what are the important factors to look at when thinking about candidate experience?
Keep it simple. Candidates want processes that are straightforward, easy to navigate and easy to complete in a manner and timeframe that is convenient to them.
Keep it relevant. A common complaint we hear from candidates is that they are asked to complete generic assessments that are not relevant, too lengthy or just inappropriate for the role they are applying for or their seniority. Make sure there is a genuine purpose for information you are gathering and that you are not just ticking boxes. Even better explain your reasoning to candidates, what the importance of each step in your selection process is and the likely timeframes to complete each stage.
Be transparent. There is nothing worse than applying for a new position and feeling that your application has disappeared into a black hole. Communication is key throughout the entire process; manage expectations, reaffirm your culture and values, demonstrate the importance of the role, provide employee testimonials. Also make sure that candidates are given plenty of opportunity to demonstrate the skills and experience that will make them a top performer for your company. It is important that this is a two way exchange.
Even when the news is not positive, providing a genuine explanation as to why a candidate is not being taken forward will only enhance your employer brand.
Watch out for some exciting changes coming soon to make it even easier to apply for the latest offshore roles on our website